Global Aquaculture specialises in the culture of Black Tiger Shrimps, founded in 2019 by a team with over 15 years of farming experience.
Black Tiger Shrimps was found to be the ideal shrimp species for culturing due to its higher immune resistance compared to White shrimps, lower susceptibility to deadly diseases, and our great technical expertise in farming this specific species.
With years of research and experiences, Global Aquaculture had developed an efficient and proven replicable System of Operation to farm Black Tiger Shrimps, under a completely Green system. We are proud to be supplying Safe-to-Eat shrimps to the growing seafood industry.
Our Development
Global Aquaculture distinguishes itself from traditional farmers through adopting a complete scientific-based farming system, coupled with high volume manufacturing operation system.
Scientific Approach
Data Collection, Analysis & Research
High Volume
Manufacturing Operation System
Daily BFT
Data Collection, Analysis & Research
Data collection, Analysis and Research is a critical practice at Global Aquaculture to test hypotheses and uncover hidden patterns. The gathering and evaluation of information under discipline system, enables Global Aquaculture to monitor production progress and optimise operation function.
Fact-based Decision Making
Fact-based decision making facilitates change by introducing objectivity, consensus, and decision confidence across all departments. At Global Aquaculture, we recognise complex decisions need fact-based analysis rather than experience and intuition.
Daily Business Fundamental Table(BFT) Management
Global Aquaculture implements a Japanese strategic and quality management system to ensure every personnel at any level of the organisation, is optimising their capabilities to contribute towards a common goal.
Emergency Preparedness
Emergency planning is understood to be paramount in the culturing of livestock due to unpredictable weather patterns, disease threats and human error. Through emergency preparedness, we are capable to prevent, quickly respond to, and recover from emergencies; which scale,timing and unpredictability threatens production.
Critical Parameters
For every system, there is a specific set of conditions that would keep it running at its most efficient and optimal state. Through years of data collection and experimentation, Global Aquaculture had discovered a set of 'Critical Parameters' that we found most efficient for culturing Black Tiger Shrimps. A systematic operation system is implemented to ensure that each and every pond does not deviate from the critical parameters.
Our Research
Global Aquaculture Farming Cycle
Global Aquaculture invest heavily in understanding and optimising each and every step of our farming cycle. We aim to achieve a sustainable and efficient farming system, that is free from harmful chemicals, in order to supply safe-to-eat shrimps to the world.
With our collection of data and research, Global Aquaculture had developed a farming cycle that is proprietary. Three of the most well-developed systems by Global Aquaculture is the,
GA Paddle Wheel System
GA Water Exchange System
GA Feeding Regime
With these developments, coupled with our complete green farming system, Global Aquaculture had achieved,
Higher Survival Rate
Increased Average Shrimp Size
Reduced Wastage
Reduce risks in farming (Diseases & changes in weather conditions)
Safe-to-Eat Shrimps (Preferred supplier statues)
Replicable Processes
Our successes in producing high quality, safe-to-eat shrimps and predictability to deliver produce had made us the preferred supplier among distributors and credibility to command higher prices. Our research had resulted in an efficient farming cycle, creating pond conditions optimal for shrimp growth, leading to less wastage and lower variable cost. We have successfully replicated our processes across all our ponds. Global Aquaculture is in the process of expanding onto a larger-scaled farm.
With every farming cycle, we are researching, re-analysing our data, incorporating more advance technologies to continuously improve and challenge the definition of an efficient and sustainable farming cycle.
Global Aquaculture
Pillars of Success
We are Pioneering
Internet-of-Things (IoT)
in Aquaculture
As we work towards a more sustainable farming future, Global Aquaculture is keeping up well with global industrial revolution. We are automating our processes through Internet-of-Things technology. This allows us to monitor key parameters of each and every pond and progress of employees, anywhere at anytime.
Collecting data with technology had given us much closer data points, and most importantly data integrity. Our IoT alert system had also significantly reduced respond time to rectify any pond parameter deviations, allowing workers to work more efficiently.